Erasmus in Barcelona

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Information for Erasmus in Barcelona Universities

What is Erasmus

The ERASMUS programme was established in 1987 and forms a major part of the European Union Socrates II programme. It is the European Commission initiative for higher education.
ERASMUS is an abbreviation of "European Community Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students". It was incorporated into the Socrates programme when that programme was established in 1995. The Socrates programme ended on 31 Dec 1999 and was replaced with the Socrates II programme on 24 Jan 2000.
The aim of Erasmus is to encourage and support academic mobility of higher education students and teachers within the European Union, the European Economic Area countries such as Norway and Iceland, and also the candidate countries of Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey.
There are currently 2,199 higher education institutions participating in ERASMUS across the 31 countries involved in the Socrates programme.

Erasmus for students

To participate in the ERASMUS programme students must be studying for a degree or diploma and must have completed their first year. They also have to be a citizen of one of the countries in the wider Socrates programme.
Students who join the ERASMUS programme study for a period of 3 months to a year in another European country. The ERASMUS programme guarantees that the period spent abroad is recognised by their university when they come back as long as they abide by terms previously agreed.
A main part of the programme is that students do not pay extra tuition fees to the university that they visit. Students can also apply for an ERASMUS grant to help cover the additional expense of living abroad.

Information about erasmus

◦ Erasmus Student Network

◦ Socrates - Eramus

◦ Erasmus for Students



◦ Erasmus Mundus

◦ IRIS - Integrated Reporting for International Students

◦ Erasmus student network @ Univesritat Autonama de Barcelona

◦ Incommon - E-magazine fo Erasmus Student Network

◦ Search Master for countries

◦ IES Barcelona - Study abroad with IES in main Barcelona's faculties

Information about erasmus in Barcelona universities

◦ Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona

◦ Pompeu Fabra

◦ Universitat Ramon llúl

◦ Barcelona Centro Universitario

◦ University of Barcelona

◦ Universitata Politécnica de Catalunya